Center will open an additional day starting Tuesday, July 11.

PROVIDENCE- Rhode Island Blood Center (RIBC) is thrilled to announce the Westerly Donor Center will be opening for an additional day. Starting on July 11th, the center will be open every Tuesday from 11:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M. The move comes following community feedback on the current schedule.

“Rhode Island Blood Center is excited to provide our dedicated group of donors in the Westerly area more opportunities to book their lifesaving appointment”, said Caitlin Grimaldi-Flick, Marketing and Communications Manager for RIBC. “We encourage not only our regular donors but lapsed and first time donors to book their appointment soon. Everyone plays a role in helping to prevent summer blood shortages.”

The expanded hours come during the critical summer months when there is typically a dip in donations. The center will offer appointments for whole blood, double red cell and platelet donations.

To make an appointment call 401.453.8383 or visit