On Tuesday, February 6, 2024, an emotional moment taking place at Rhode Island Blood Centers (RIBC) Warwick donor center. Alexander Ramos was given the opportunity to meet just a few of the blood donors who have helped him receive lifesaving blood transfusions as part of his treatment for sickle cell anemia.

Alex has been received dozens of transfusions over the last few years and has said this anonymous gift has helped him avoid being hospitalized while he fights the blood disorder.

Alex says before beginning transfusion therapy, he had a hard time doing simple day-to-day tasks but now he is looking to the future and attending law school after graduating from Rhode Island College.
Five loyal RIBC donors were able to put a face to their anonymous donation. All of them said they donate for one simple reason, because they can and it allows them to help others.
A full recap of the media coverage from this event can be found below:

NBC 10